It's wintery in Aberdeenshire. A post for new mums wrestling with snowsuits and jackets !

January 21, 2013  •  1 Comment

OK, so what I post on the 'Small Talk'  blog, won't always been photography related.  I'm a mum as well as a photographer. Life isn't all awards and accolades, I also reach the dizzy hights of weaning, potty training, and all the usual ups and downs of parenting spanning the ages 6mths to 10years usually all in the same day.

The most recent challenges to my photography work flow, are a sickness bug which hit us all and passed swiftly,  thankfully it didn't collide with any newborn shoots so I didn't have to postpone and we all got better but it did stop the editing process for a while, while I played nurse to 7 and then recovered myself. Now we have snow days off school which are delaying my processing a little, so I feel I am on permanent catch up, but I promise your images will be well worth the wait ! However, I digress. The point to the post.. ah yes !

I've found many products over the course of 10 childbearing years, that I just couldn't live without.

One of them is the Morrck hoodie ! I thought on such a snowy wintery day it was a great time to show you it !

How many of you wrestle gladiator style with your tiny baby or toddler trying to get wriggly little hands through tiny little sleeves, and tiny toes down the legs of a snow suit that looks like you are about to set off on an expedition north pole ! I've lost count of how many times I did this with mine. Just when you thought safe to start your adventure,  then there would be an eruption in babies nappy ad we'd have to wrestle them out of it again, or we'd have them from house to car in two minutes and then they would roast in the car like a oven basted turkey ! We'd get to where we were going, sometimes just a 15 minute journey away, and sometimes I'd just be carrying them indoors again, car to house, where I would begin the wrestle once more. Sometimes they've fallen asleep and you'd have to wake them to undress them.

Then I discovered the baby hoodie. Life became a whole lot easier ! No more picking up the bundle and wondering where the baby went, all you need is your baby, the hoodie stays in the car seat ! Should baby wake or if you need to leave the car seat in the car, you can lift baby and the hoodie and carry them cosy to where your going. It's all designed around the car seat straps. This also makes it easy to remove to wash.  For more details go take a look at their site they have so many practical products. The hoodie makes a lovely present for a new baby, and they even have different weights for summer too.

Here is Alan, my youngest, he's 6mths now already, we were about to go on the nursery run with his brother and sister, he's modeling his hoodie, I confess he is still in his PJ's and proabbly wearing a little weetabix ! ( the photo isn't a masterpeice, it's a snap with my iphone, not an award winner but look at that grin !)







Didnt know a brand name for these!
And love the idea that you're going to chat about allsorts in the blog. Alan is adorable!
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